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Paths of Darkness Recruiting 8/5/2012

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Paths of Darkness Recruiting 8/5/2012 Empty Paths of Darkness Recruiting 8/5/2012

Post  Ghilanna Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:42 pm


If you are reading this it´s because you are interested in joining our family and progress with us and have high goals in terms of PVE.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OUR GUILD: our guild is a group of mature people that like a nice and social environment but with a minimal level of professionalism in raids (we like to raid, we want to raid, we want to be the best at it without the really hardcore scene).
We have a set of rules that we ask you all to read before submiting your application, both for spot rolls and loot priority (I will provide the link in the end of this post).

It´s the beginning of the new year and we are in need of recruiting a set of mature players (no age limit), that aren´t shy to speak on teamspeak, that have good knowledge of how the game works and good raid experience and that have availability to raid at least 3 days a week.


- Progress in Dragon Soul 8/8 (normal) - Starting on Heroics now
- Raiding days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday;
- Raiding time: 22:30 to 00:30 SV Time;

This is a new feature in the guild, recently some socials have gathered up and have themselves a nice team for doing DS normal mode. If you are starting to raid on your character consider to join this team. The days and time are set by the Raid Leader which you will meet as you are invited to the guild and you only need to tell him you are interested and check the calender for events.
NOTE: the raiding rules do not apply to this team


- EPGP Lootmaster (this is really needed for the loot system);
- EPGP (dkp reloaded) (necessary for you to consult your priority for rolls);
- DBM (or any addon related);


Paths of Darkness - Raid Organization and Rules

Paths of Darkness (PoD) is re-structuring its single 10 man raiding team and we believe that some ground directives are necessary in order to maintain flexibility and equality for all the raiding members.
The official raiding days are: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday. Raiding times are 22h30 (ST) to 00h30 (ST).
The choice of each individual raid roster is done based on 4 principles:
1 – Equal opportunity: If they have the gear and knowledge each member of PoD is eligible to be on the raid team at a given day. Rolls for spots are done based on raiding role: 2 Tanks, 2 Melee dps, 3 Ranged dps and 1 Tank Healer and 2 Raid Healers. On particularly challenging fights, rolling of the same class and spec will be prioritized (For example 2 Arcane mages will roll for their spot to avoid class stacking).
2 – Member alternation: Each raider that looses the spot on a given day has automatic roster priority on the next raiding day. This priority extends until an actual raid takes place, i.e. the priority is not lost on a day were raiding was not possible.
3- Attendance reward: Keep in mind that showing up, even if you are likely to miss a spot in that particular raid, is always beneficial: first, if some raiders don't show up you have a spot in the raid; secondly, you always earn 300 EP just for being online at 22h30.
4- Blind loot system: EP/GP’s will be used on all guild rolls for loot. This system ensures an even distribution of loot and easily normalizes the priority of senior and junior members. At the moment it is the fairest loot distribution system know to officers of PoD. Exceptional discussions about loot and their effectiveness for each class or spec are permitted.
5- One Main Spec per raider: You choose only one main spec to raid with. You always roll for the spot corresponding to your main spec and only that. Offspecs and/or alts are for emergency use only, i.e. the roster will be incomplete otherwise. This is to ensure loot distribution always favours each different individual and therefore, the raiding team as a whole.
6- Preparation is key: Despite the fact that the guild will provide all its raiders with flasks and repairs, it is each raider’s competence to be prepared with adequate raid food and tactic awareness. The use of the proper addons (e.g. Deadly Boss Mods and epgp) is also expected.

The Epgp System
Ok this is the system the guild has for giving gear:

We use the EPGP system that consists in two things:

EP´s are the point´s the officer´s give to actions such as coming to the raid on time (which is 300 EP´s), killing a boss (200 EP´s), and by the hour (50 EP´s).
Then you have the GP´s, there are the points the addon gives for each time you receive loot, and this is different from item to item, for example a weapon can be worth a lot more (like 2000 GP´s) comparing to a trincket, bracer or neck.

With these two factors, the addon makes an average and then determines who will have more priority.

Now for you to be implemented in the system while in a raid group you must have the following addon:

EPGP Lootmaster (will add links soon cause curse was being updated while I was writing this post)

If you wish to check your priority without having to ask an officer you must download EPGP (DKP reloaded) and type /epgp and there you will see your priority percentage and also your EP´s and GP´s.

One a week we do the decay. The decay is a system that cuts of a percentage of everyone´s EPGP´s. Why we do this? Simply because that in case someone that has a really HIGH priority stops playing for a very long long time, and comes back, has his EPGP´s a lot lower than the other guildmates that come everyday to raids. That sated, those who raid often wont even feel the difference of that decay (which is 10%).

If you are interested in joining after this, please answer to this post with the following format:

- Char name;
- Char class and mains spec/offspec;
- Wow armory link;
- Availability to be contacted by one of our officers during your game time;

Hope you have a good time with us and an epic progress!
Guild Master

Posts : 52
Join date : 2011-11-09
Age : 33
Location : Portugal, Porto


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